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- September 26, 1988
- To: Jim Speiser, Bryon Smith, and associated members of ParaNet:
- I have been advised of, and in receipt of your computer print-out,
- the "WARNING" that I wish to respond, at this time.
- Before I do, please let me state that, as Director of the new
- Project Blue Book, I will always be happy to receive any information,
- comments, and even critiques, in order that we may all work together
- in the overall plan of attempting to find a solution (a logical one,
- I hope) to the UFO phenomenon.
- The copy of the news-media release I, personally, gave to Bryon was on
- two separate pages. One of these pertained to an "Immediate Release" for
- use by any media wishing to utilize it - and the other, on PBB letter-
- head, was to answer any additional questions the recipient may have upon
- receipt of the release - and invited to contact me for any additional
- information, if desired, or required. This same privilege is open to
- any person in ParaNet, and/or others who may wish additional information.
- This office is not open to just the general public, and closed to my
- friends, or associates, in the so-called UFOlogy, but open to all.
- Since there were two distinct, and different, pages of the release,
- Mr. Cooper has combined the two and extracted only what he wanted to
- convey and in doing so has taken it out of context. He has a right to
- do this, but his findings are, therefore, completely in error. Given
- his alleged back-ground in "Intelligence," he has committed some grave
- errors in assuming his own "truths" and changing the content, and intent,
- of the media-release to sing out his conspiracy threat to the nation,
- in general, and to those interested in UFO's in particular - or was it
- the other way around ?
- I appreciate his comments about the "Intelligence Officer" who conceived
- the whole "plan." The whole idea of the new Project Blue Book was my
- idea, and had been "in the works" for quite some time. The wheels of
- justice move slowly. Not knowing, at this time, the future of PBB,
- any remarks I could make about it would only be conjecture, and high
- hopes, at this time.
- By the way, Bryon's remark not quoting me, etc. had absolutely nothing
- to do with an alleged MJ-12, but the over-all phenomenon of UFO's, since
- 1947. Another assumption jumped to without knowing the facts.
- I, really, do not wish to take Mr. Cooper to task with his commentary,
- because I appreciate the fact that some-one "out there" is doing some
- heavy thinking. He would be on the verge of "solving" the new PBB, if
- what he said were true - but it is not, but he does not know that -
- even though he could, and can now, contact me anytime he so desires -
- as any of you feel perfectly free to do.
- I do not wish to skirt over some of the references - but let me state
- once, and for all time, that PBB is NOT funded, nor a part of, any
- branch (agency) of the U.S. Government. It is strictly a civilian
- organization/association, initiated by the Director. There should be
- NO hidden meaning, nor concepts, regarding same. I have to answer
- only to myself. This being the factual situation, I am amused that
- there should be a reference to Intelligence persons knowing something
- about PBB that even I do not know anything about. In this case, I am
- on a "need to know" basis, and no-one knows as much about the new PBB
- as I do.
- Also, my (PBB) interest in the older cases should be what we are all
- looking for. Since the better-reported cases are STILL listed as
- "unknowns," don't you think you would like to know what they COULD
- have been ? A reference to the "greatest flap in history is taking
- place right now" - is beyond me. I have not heard about it, if it
- is, and to this extent - maybe I am not on a need-to-know basis.
- If the reference (and I hesitate to be guilty of reaching out, as he
- has done) is to a certain Florida case - this is not the "greatest"
- by any means, and is not worthy of interest by PBB, which statement
- is going to throw him, and others, into another frenzy.
- Project Blue Book will be interested in selected sighting reports - it
- is not going to play games - and you can count on that. I am going to
- try to keep it (PBB) incredibly credible. There are membership UFO
- organizations that can "bother" with UFO reports that are not of
- interest to this office. PBB is willing to work WITH the membership
- organizations, and definitely will do so - and any materials coming to
- this office and which would benefit such organization - that organization
- is going to be made aware of it. Our minds are not closed, but are
- cautious to sighting reports that may be the "greatest" fiasco in the
- history of reported UFO sightings.
- Let me close, knowing that what I have said will not satisfy everyone,
- by asking you to not jump to conclusions about any "warnings," and to
- feel free to ask me, personally, should there ever be any part of the PBB
- about which you would like to know. If there is a fortunate aspect of
- Project Blue Book - it is the fact that it is Bill Pitts who is the
- Director of it - and who will release everything he can, as a civilian,
- and whose hands are not tied to red-tape, etc. Bear with the new
- situation, and try not to hinder it, and you have my promise to work
- with each of you as I can.
- Very Sincerely,
- Bill Pitts, Director
- Project Blue Book